👋 I'm Vincent Arlou

Welcome, you'll be able to find out a bit about me and the work I do.

Ok, But Who Are You?

When I look back on my past and think how much time I wasted on nothing, how much time has been lost in futilities, errors, laziness, incapacity to live. I'm just someone who wants to know life.

As a software developer, all I wanna do is make high quality software that helps people accomplish more in their lives.

All in all, I value people and I hope you'll be able to find something interesting in here. This corner of the web, isn't solely for me.

Feel free to have a look around and learn more. Check out projects page to see the short movie I've made.

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Featured Projects

  • Coin Gecko Api Client

    Api client library for deno that uses coin gecko official api

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  • Portfolio

    My digital garden

  • XmppClient

    ReactJS XMPP client, using WebSockets, private repo

  • Pure Tab Manager

    Manage your tabs, private repo

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© Designed and coded by Vincent Arlou